VBBook VB Book wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp Form1 Frame1 Label1 VB Book Label2 by Dennis Scott Label3 Version 1.3, 30 Mar 93 Timer1 BuildArrayj PtrArray Pgcount DoMacro> EndMacroz Header# Pagem LJLocate PrintSetup printlogo StartMacro Flagsg CurDateU DoHeaderU FileTitle LineLenH LineWrap PgNumber FileName ErrorDept outfile4 JustCount tune^ Outhere GetNameJ KeyIn* LeftSide5 RightSide{ FirstPass\ DoPass Bookmark: NextPage: Buffer NextPage1N LOCATE WaitKeyt INKEY PrtReset ERDEV, AWayOut MaxLines Offset TotalSize FileLeft[ MemAvail SixteenK BufSize LnCount GetPagee StPtrE LastLine PageCheckF TempLn TempPg PageBreak EndBuild PTemp+ Form_Clickp MainSub InputBoxDemo Title Default NewDate NewName BufAvailn BuffSize PC_LineWrap PC_LineLen PC_DoHeader PC_CurDate PC_FileTitle PC_PgNumber go_click abort Printinge Label1_Click Text1_Change Picture1_Click Form_Load Label1_load pcbook_hide outscr_show pcbook outscr go2_click pcbinp GO1_Click Label2_Click Timer1_Timer Form_GotFocus Timer1 intervalQ Form_DragDrop Source vbbinp vbbook VBBout enabled false Frame1_DragDrop Label3_Click CenterForm Screen Mousepointer Height Width2 This form is the initial Title Box GO1_Click dispose of VBBOOK form Removed the call to VBBOUT so that the user can see the desktops move on to VBBINP form Turn off the timer Timer1_Timer Activated after 5 seconds VBBout.Show 'which was set when the form was designed (5000 mSec) Turn off the timer Form_Load